Week Links Post No. 23

Street Art by Martin Ron Murales. picture courtesy of Bon Expose

Bon Expose has a great feature about one of my favourite things: Street Art. You can check that out here

And hey, speaking of street art, Web Urbanist did some leg work for me, and found out that Google has been collecting it for all of us. Take a look at that here

Over at The Fader, they've done an interview with textile artist Eric N'Mack. His work is not typical. Find that interview, here

If you live in Melborne, Florida, you should check out the latest exhibit at the Foosaner Art Museum. The exhibit, entitled "Infinite Mirror: Images of American Identity.”  runs through Aug. 17, and "expresses the struggles of a diverse population coming together as one. " Read about that here

The Journal out of the UK has an article about textile artist Donna Cheshire (makes really NEAT stuff) here

Beautiful Decay has an online exhibit of photographer Jason DeMarte's photography combining Cheetos, bacon, and landscapes to make rather compelling art (No really!) that offers effective social critique about our consumption and what it does to the environment. (At least, that's my interpretation. The artist says otherwise. lol)   here

The Business Standard out of India, has an article on a quilting book, notable, I think, for the subtext about a woman's "place" in the world (not in it) and it's patronizing tone; but that just may be feminist reading of the article. Anyway, a pretty picture accompanies it, and you may wish to read the book find the article  - here 

The Gadsey Times has an article and call for entry about the "Stitching Across Alabama" exhibit at the Gadsen Museum (with a rather breathtaking example of a traditional quilt) which you may be interested in here

And only extremely tenuously fibre related, here is a collection of vintage Halloween Costumes to scare the crap out of you ('cuz you know I like to do that every once in a while). Find that (if you dare!) here

And that's all she wrote! Sorry that the links are a bit less than, shall we say substantive, or edifying this week, but it's been a busy one both at home and at  dayjorb.

Have a great weekend and see you Monday!

Kit Lang

1 comment:

  1. Loved the street art and I couldn't believe how creepy those Halloween costumes were. Man, and I thought clowns were the worst. eebee geebee!!!!!


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