Week Links Post 27

Over at Behance, they're highlighting a show by artists Aitch and Saddo called Coffins. It's VERY interesting wish I could see it, but here's a sneak peek!

Check that out here

You know how I feel about moths (or maybe you don't - and if you don't, I'm terrifed of them); but nevertheless, these FREAKING GIANT moths by Yumi Okita are quite beautiful. Check them out here

I don't think I posted this before although I meant to. The Huffington |Post has an article entitled "Your Definitive Guide To Reading a Piece of Abstract Art". Now you know. ;)  here  (Note: what they say about emotion is true: Rothko makes me gasp for breath and "No. 14" has literally brought me to tears. BSP feels that way about Kandinsky, who does nothing for me. What are you gonna do, right? :) )

No. 14

There's a very interesting article from Paula Roland on the Surface Design Blog; about encaustic monoprinting. At least, it's very interesting to me! :) Check that out here

There's an article here about a fiber show at the Estevan Art Gallery in Saskatchewan, called Hi-Fibre Content. Looks interesting if you're in the area!

There's an article in the FT Times about Susan Lenz's  solo show. You can find that here

Pattern Places has an article about Rebecca Louise Law's flower installations. They're quite something! Check them out here

No street art pictures this week (although you *know* I have some -street art is totally a thing right now) - instead - Sotheby's has a really great article/interview with Steve Lazarides ahead of the Banksy exhibit. Everything you didn't know you didn't know about Banksy! here

This Colossal has a great video of Master Korean ceramists at Icheon Ceramics, here (I've watched it 3 times now). They are all quite different from one another, and the tools they use to achieve their effects were a revelation to me. (Plus the soundtrack is very beautiful.)



Kit Lang

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so understand your fear of moths! I come by it honestly as my mom was also afraid of them...having to leave a theater when she was pregnant with me because of it! As a young child in Brazil, I used to be afraid of butterflies as well! While the fiber butterflies were beautiful, they still creep me out a bit! Must be something genetic as one of my daughter's twin boys is also afraid of moths--and bugs in general. Thankfully the miller moth season hasn't been too bad this year. I have a few stories about those!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!