A TEENSY problem..

So, I started doing some thread sketching of the grasses that are going to be under that tree, and decided to do Ella's tail the same way.

But a teensy problem developed.

Can you see that? Not very well?


Can you see THAT?!?

One of my little secrets is that this sometimes happens to me when I channel quilt work: I guess the combination of heavily painted fabric(s) and a nice neat line to follow when the fabric is weakened is too much to resist. 

And you may recall, I was afraid that this might happen from the beginning with this particular application of Lutradur because of the way I made this shiny, plastic-y side of the Lutradur (which is essentially dried acrylic paint with Lutradur as a the substrate). 

Normally when this happens, I fuse it down and no one's the wiser, but this doesn't stand up to heat very well, so I must do some tests of gel medium, white craft glue, modge podge and the like to see what's going to fix it. 

In addition, you may not be able to see it well in the above-photo; but the heavy quilting I did on the tree has caused some of the paint to flake off the edges of the lutradur. 

Again, because it's painted so heavily, its taken on a paper-like quality, and my experience has shown me that heavily painted paper doesn't take quilting well. This can be fixed up pretty easily though, so that's not too much of a worry - just a pain in the butt because it's a rather painstaking process. 

But the hand stitching is coming along well, at least! 

See you Friday. :)

Kit Lang


  1. Don't you hater it when that happens. Good that you are going to be able to fix it though.

  2. Poor Ella - her TAIL????

    Hope she can wait til Friday!


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