Week Links Post #31

Beginning as usual with street art, here is some from DaLeast - check that out here

Also over at This Is Colossal - SQUEEEEEE! You now how I love all things wee - well, artist Maiko Akiba has created tiny worlds on top of toy animals - they're totally adorable - and then - well, just check them out here

At World of Threads they have an interview with Robin Wiltse - perhaps the most amazing felter (feltist? feltartist?) I've ever seen. Her work certainly speaks to me more than any other felter I've ever seen.  The interview and glimpse into her work can be found here

Billy Girrl has a post about the beautiful embroidery work of Chloe Giordano here 

This is Colossal also has an article about Elsa Mora  - I've been following her blogs for years and lately, have been checking in on her on Facebook as well. Despite the fact that in all these years, I don't think we've ever exchanged so much as a sentence, it felt like seeing a friend there. A FAMOUS friend! lol  Anyway, you can check that out here 

Annabel Rainbow has a PDF version of this quarter's  Through Our Hands here (and you should absolutely get it because it's fabulous!)

Elizabeth Barton talks about focal points and whether there's a point to them here

Here's an article from Fine Art Tips entitled How To Dramatically Improve Your Art. You may find it useful.

And for pure eye candy, check out Erik Johansson's photos over at Beautiful Decay, here

Have a great weekend, and see you on Monday. With a finish, I think!

Kit Lang

1 comment:

  1. OOOO!! What a great week. I loved everything. I had read Annabel Rainbows and Elizabeth Barton before. Amazing art. So grateful for the internet!!


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