Nature Cries:

Finally finished? Well sort of... at least it's close enough. :)

This is actually a two-hander, the first panel - this one, is called Nature Cries: The second panel is now underway, but I haven't completely finished it because I'm not certain whether I'm going to mount the two pieces on separate panels, or whether I'm going to join them as one. 

But let's explore the details, shall we?

After I'd finished with the lungs, I realized that there was a lot of empty space between the tree and what was going on in the earth. I had planned to add one animal, the fawn, but he looked so lonely by himself, I decided to add a fox. 

 After adding leaves and grasses made of paper, hand-painted and commercial fabrics, as well as some hand stitch, I realized that something was needed in the middle.

Ever one to my indulge my Snow White in the forest tendencies, 

I added some little bunnies sleeping as well as some brightly coloured leaves. 

Speaking of leaves, more were necessary than what I had first put it, but I also needed some sleeping creatures in the tree as well...

These little birds, who at first were realistically painted, but then were changed through artistic license so they'd show up a little better,

A sleeping squirrel (modeled after one who used to nap on our fence at our old house); and 

a sleepy owl. 

You'll remember of course, the point of the whole piece, those lungs:

Kit Lang


  1. Great concept and I love the critters and lungs. Looking forward to the next.

  2. So many sweet creatures asleep above the lungs...

  3. I love the way that the sleepy creatures are unaware of what is going on beneath them. A strong message.

  4. What an amazing transformation of your old piece into this wonderful new one! It works on so many levels. Love it!

  5. This is quite captivating, Sugar. My eyes went straight away to the lungs and lingered there. They seem to breathe life and meaning into the entire piece.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!