Nearly there...

Before we get to those lungs, I wanted to give you a sneek peek. :)

So now, to those lungs...

When I left you last Wednesday, I had just finished up the background pieces for my new and improved lungs (here)* 

Here's the right lung. As you can see it's a lovely lung for the most part, brown and green with the blood rushing through, bursting with health (and flowers) just as you would want the earth's lungs to look. 

Unfortunately, there's a bit of rot creeping in though, isn't there? Some of those flowers are going off, and the lovely brown and green lungs are growing gray... some of the veins have even died off and become blackened. 

and the left lung, is almost completely dead. :(

But above ground there's a deer taking shape, and that's always good, right?

So let's paint her up! I began with the coppery brown metallic undercoat and built the fawn's fur up from there. 

Then I started hand stitching some blood so it's going from the lungs through the veins to the rest of the earth;

And finished up stitching that blood. (I think. As I look at this, I think I need a few more veins through the centre...)

But the lungs are done.

See you on Wednesday, with the finished piece!

*By the way, I just noticed now that my Week Links post on Friday didn't post! We were on vacation last week and I'd set up my posts for the week to publish automatically on each date. Obviously, I set up Friday's wrong. My apologies!

Kit Lang


  1. It's amazing how you come up with these fascinating ideas the execute them so beautifully.

  2. tooooo cute!!!! awesome!!!

  3. Oh, I like it! You have the most interesting way of interpreting your thoughts and ideas. This one is a subtle surprise. Wonderful!

  4. So fascinating to follow your thought process.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!