
So, remember the other day, I was talking about working on that wall quilt with the flowers hereherehere and here (and probably elsewhere) and how I was saying I wasn't sure that my fussing with it was going to be helpful in the end?

Well it wasn't. (Big cheesy grin.)

See, the more I worked on the placement, the more I realized that it just wasn't working.  Stumped, I asked BSP for an opinion and what I got was "I don't get it."  *heh*

So then I explained - "Juxtaposition of angles and curves!" -  "Life arising from/despite the darkness!" - "A conversation about the tension created by  man vs. nature!"  "assorted other asshattery!"

BSP said "Yeah, yeah I get that. Those intellectual ideas make sense. But that's not what's coming through on your quilt.  It just looks like a bunch of flowers you stuck on a a black background.

I sputtered while BSP circled my design wall.

"But that black all broken up with the green - now that's cool.You should make a quilt with just that stuff on it."

BSP wisely left and I stared at the pieces on my design wall, and looked at my photographs, pondered my sketches and pondered and puzzed 'till my puzzler nearly broke (to mis-quote Dr. Seuss); and realized BSP was right.

Don't you hate it when your spouse is right? DAG-NAB-IT!!!!!!  ;)


I took out the damn flowers and pieced together my black velvet and green satin bits, and pondered the nature of mental health/mental break downs, what living in our fast-paced, compartmentalized lives does to our souls, why it is that self styled "non-artistic" spouses are so damn opinonated and why it is that when they're right, it's so damn annoying?

And by the time I was done thinking about all of that, I had finished my latest wall quilt.

The fun thing is, the entire quilt is made completely out of scraps - even the batting is scraps pieced together. I don't think these pics don't do it justice, cuz you can't feel how luscious and cuddly all that black velvet is, nor really see the quilting angles working against each other. But it's really lovely.*


* As is my much Beloved Spouse.

Kit Lang


  1. Very striking. We have a 'thing' at the shop - sometimes when playing with color or design, one of us will announce, "We're having to work too hard." And we'll change direction.

    It's not that design should necessarily be easy. But if you're banging your head against the wall, it's time to make a left (or U) turn and look at different scenery - or look at the scenery differently. That's all that BSP did for you. It's just not fair because you're the one with the banged-up head!

  2. Wonderful!
    ...the quilt and the fact that I can comment!

  3. Oh, wow. I really like this. Fractured is perfect.

    I rely on my DH's eye quite a bit too. Granted, I don't always take his advice, but I appreciate his perception from the "outside."

  4. Anonymous19.9.11

    Wow, this is out of this world. It renders me speechless. It's awesome.Carol

  5. Ooo...that looks so soft! I love it!

  6. This quilt's got some good mojo going on. Give that hubby a kiss, and one for yourself as well!

  7. I like this a lot!

  8. Beautiful and it is even velvet. Nice reward to have pushed through for this piece!

  9. This is very cool!

  10. This is so wonderful - I LOVE it! What do you think - would you like to send it to an exhibition?

  11. This quilt is really beautiful and very NOW! Also very ALWAYS. :-)

  12. Thank you Miatela!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!