Wood Witch

Hopefully, this doesn't look too familiar to you, but you may remember (if you used to follow me at Coneflowers In Leslieville) that when I was "done" this piece, it looked like this:

I was really pleased with it at this stage (the base was a piece of linen cloth I'd "painted" using the shaving foam technique, and then I had needle felted wool roving, bits of scrim from Deborah O'Hare and piece of other fabric I had hand-painted) and then quilted the dog out of it. I like it as an abstract piece, but couldn't come up with a name for it - which usually means it has more to say. In other words, it's not done.

So I took it to my contemporary quiltart group; and asked for their input.  They had lots of great ideas although none of them appealed to me - the best suggestion was from Judy who said I should hang it up where I would see it every day, and eventually I'd see what needed to be done.

And one day, I glanced over at it, and saw a face looking back at me.

I didn't think to take a pic after I quilted it but before I further embellished it with paint; but that's what I did.  And decided I'd ruined it! The eyes were too heavy and the "hairline" on the end was wayyyyyyy too much.

So I put it away, thinking I'd ruined it but I kept taking it out and adding a little more quilting here and there.

I added another piece of hand-painted fabric where the dark hairline was and quilted it within an inch of its life. And the more I quilted it, the more I came to like it, and wondered whether those eyes weren't too dark after all.

And then I had my "doh!" moment.  Umm... why couldn't I paint over the part that I had painted too dark?

Er.... no reason. 

And then she really was done.

I love my Wood Witch.  She`s a good witch, after all.


Kit Lang


  1. This is wonderful. I love that it developed organically and that the face just emerged when it was ready.
    I feel honoured that it has a little bit of my fabric in it.
    Thanks for the mention. So generous of you.

  2. A good witch - watching over you! Like the idea - and the witch, of course ;-))

  3. Thanks very much Deborah! I love that about her too. I think it's so cool that she was just waiting for me to see her. :)

  4. Everyone should have a good witch watching over them, Frauke! :) Have a great weekend!

  5. I love her. I am a sucker for portraits and this face just seems to emerge from the fabric. How wonderful.

  6. Thanks Beth! She was hiding in there all along.


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